Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Happy 1st Birthday Oscar!

Where has the year gone?
Exactly one year ago today I had ostomy surgery. "Life changing" doesn't begin to describe the last 364 days.
As a newly formed ostomate I experienced many firsts. Not the first time I had done a particular thing but the first time sans rectum and most of colon. For example, I opened an automotive repair shop with the hubby, I flew to Toronto/London/Halifax and back, competed in the Napa Rally 5000 and drove the entire way, used a spray tan booth, got addicted to Brazilian waxes, stood in lines, fixed rust on my car, raked the leaves in the yard, have started baking cookies (Christmas cookie plates for everyone!), have taken the Pug's and Baron for walks, went to a concert, have started to eat meat again, have had to buy fat fat clothes, became friends with my treadmill, have saved millions on toilet paper, have more panties then I know what to do with and many others.
Oscar has not only given me my life back but has also given me a life. The above mentioned things don't seem like a big deal but if you constantly had to poop (It would be like the day after you ate McDonalds, constant McPoo's) the little things that you take for granted become major obstacles.
This morning the hubby said "Happy Birthday Oscar, I love you" and when I asked him why, he said "Because he makes you better and you make everything better." I have the best husband, but I also have the best life because of Oscar.
Thank you Oscar and happy birthday. We will celebrate tonight and for the rest of or lives.


  1. Happy Birthday Oscar!!!! x

  2. I can't believe it's already a year since your surgery. You've come a long way in a relatively short time. Congratulations!

  3. Happy Birthday Oscar! Thanks for making it so Allie can go back to bothering people without distraction.
